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Proxy | She Fulfills Their Desires, But There's a Cost | Sci-Fi Short Film

In a world where people hire ‘Proxies’ – trained humans who stand-in for a lost loved one — Victoria ...View More

FROM.BEYOND | Mankind’s First Encounter with Alien Life in Unsettling Short Film

A kaleidoscopic vision portraying mankind’s first meeting with alien life, told through faux archiva ...View More

FLITE | Hyper Realistic CG Sci-Fi Short Using Unreal Engine

Super impressive sci-fi made with Unreal about a world champion hoverboarder attempting a daring esc ...View More

The Line | Sci-Fi Short Film About a Young Girl Trying To Cross a Legendary Border

A teenage girl and young boy run for their lives to cross ‘The Line’, but are they running away from ...View More

The Cloud Racer | Sci-Fi CG Animated Short Using Unreal Engine

Set in the near future, a young man and his blue-collar mechanic father compete in a qualifier for a ...View More

Heartless | Dystopian Sci-Fi Short

Young couple Anna and Gunnar are deeply in love but they live in a society where people are assigned ...View More

Survivers | Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Short Film

In a car park at the end of the world, three survivors have to decide when to take their life-saving ...View More

Sci-Fi Short Film About Life and Death

When a man (you) dies in a traffic accident he gets an answer to the biggest question of life. A se ...View More

Explosions | Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Short Film

As gravity appears to fail all around them, the inhabitants of a neighbourhood begin to mysteriously ...View More

Refuge | Sci-Fi Short Film Starring Nikohl Boosheri

Set in the United States in 2020, a brewing cyberwar between the US and Iran puts Sonia, a young Ira ...View More

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